Special Event Site :: $2000
Full event website on client’s platform of choice; may include URL customization, password-protection, registry-linking, creative documentation, training opportunities for self-maintenance, for additional fees; perfect for weddings, family reunions, charity fundraisers, and more
Personal Portfolio :: $2500
Personal portfolio website of 1-4 pages on client’s platform of choice; includes URL customization; may include password-protection, creative documentation, training opportunities for self-maintenance, physical and/or digital stationery suite, and more, for additional fees
Small Business :: $3500
Small business website of 3-8 pages on client’s platform of choice; includes URL customization, security features, and Search Engine Optimization; may include password-protection, creative documentation, training opportunities for self-maintenance, physical and/or digital stationery suite, and more, for additional fees
Shop Creation :: +$2000
Add shop setup to Personal Portfolio or Small Business build; timeline and exact pricing dependent upon shop needs